My Bookshelf

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


The inanities spouted by socialists such as NYC's Cortez is a stark display of ignorance as to how the medical industry operates on a global scale. Have they ever considered why there have never been significant medical breakthroughs or discoveries in any socialist nation? Are they curious as to why Russia and China have only been able to replicate or counterfeit American medical products? Do they ever contemplate a scenario in which a government-controlled medical industry put American researchers and developers out of business?
Let us examine the reason why the best and the brightest find their way to the USA to realize their potential. Bottom line: dollars and common sense. A chemical engineer developing a serum in Africa is not going to cure AIDS inside a thatched hut. A medical researcher in India is not going to complete his formula amidst a neighborhood controlled by avaricious nabobs. Chinese and Russian scholars will flee to America where they will receive the money and funding to finish their projects.
People ask why the cost of medicine in America is so high. Simple answer: pharmaceutical companies are trying to recoup the cost of years of research to develop their product. The $100 you spend for a high-tech pill is a price they determined in trying to break even for their manufacturing costs. Why do the Canadians and the Chinese charge so much less? They didn't spend anything to discover the product. All they invested was the knockoff expense.
Once Cortex and her New World Order cronies assume power, researchers and developers will flee the country in search of greener pastures. Nobody is going to stick around and accept a State-controlled pay rate after dedicating their lives to discovering a new serum or technique. After all, doesn't a lifetime of work deserve a nice home, a new car and a sizable bank account... Cortex and the rest of the socialist elite?